“Education & Career EXPO 2023”

22th international specialized exhibition

5 – 7 April 2023

Yerevan, H.Hakobyan 3, Exhibition Complex “Yerevan EXPO”

University of Traditional Medicine

Address: Armenia, 0040, Yerevan Avan, Marshal Babajanyan St., 38 Building

Tel: +37410616290

E-mail: info@utm.am

Website: http://utm.am

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UniversityofTraditonalMedicine

The University of Traditional Medicine is a leading school of medical education, medical science and health care, which activity is aimed at training who are aware of their role in a physician-patient relationship, with a high level of morality, in accordance with the requirements of the labor market, unique and unprecedented for national and regional medical education. The University of Traditional Medicine (UTM) strives to be an institution that:  offers educational, ideological, research progressive and curricular educational programs, which are in line with the international educational principles of modern medical education,  has effective and efficient management and administration, the necessary infrastructure, modern technologies, training and laboratory facilities, which contributes to the constant and continuous improvement of the quality of education,  will ensure the preparation of future national, educated and highly respected physicians who will fully recognize their role in a physician-patient relationship, will be available, affordable and preferred educational institution for various layers of society, regardless of age, gender, race and nationality, beliefs and political preferences,  to adapt the proposed curriculum with the fundamental principles of the European Medical Higher Education Area, with special approaches to contemporary and traditional medicine integration,  provision of medical science-education programs in line with modern requirements with the introduction of own opportunities  will be a high quality educational service provider for the training, re-training and re- qualification of medical personnel in the region  education and scientific research will be able to implement a coordinated development strategy.